Tedchain - The Next Google Play / Appstore of Blockchain


Blockchain technology has really revolutionized this current era as can be seen in fields, systems or platforms like Healthcare systems, Finance systems, Gaming platforms etc. One striking feature of blockchain technology which makes it outstanding is "decentralization". Decentralization ensures optimum security of users data, as well as ensuring users, are in control of their data. Another feature is smart contracts, which ensures adequate processing of real-time transactions.

With reference to the gaming industry, a platform like no other aims to embrace the revolution brought about by blockchain technology, this is no other platform than TEDCHAIN. Tedchain realises its gains from the nature of marketing, selling and token payment made for native games bought from the platform. Besides, TedLab has a commission they realize by releasing the game to the global game market.

What is Tedchain?

Tedchain is an independent high-speed world global network which is devoted to games. There is an exclusive ability to use the best cryptocurrency of blockchain and clever technologies of the contract in games. The purpose consists in developing and directing the playing ecosystem where people can play various games. Such games are ready for communication with the real world. This platform is ready for a wide target audience. Tedchain works on the improvement of full games.

The business model consists of three principles:

1. Development of own Crypto games. Own production of games with the developers in Europe develops to America. These games are sold to TEDCHAIN. Games from TEDCHAN have a connection with games in real time.
2. Publications of games from third-party developers. Most developers want to advance the games in the digital direction. Money arrive from purchases and income of advertising in a game.
3. Operations of the decentralized games.

Mission of Tedchain

TEDCHAIN unites in itself powerful multiuser strategy with which there is an opportunity to earn real money. In the next years, the world of game will unite players from the whole world.

Tedchain Features

• Prevention of "Disgust of Pay2win" by casual gamers;
• Mechanics of a game which keeps players;
• Clear and useful system of progression;
• Inclusion of a social component.

Main advantages

1. Games almost do not need a gameplay (many of them are aimed at certain MMORPG markets, the main games or simple games);
2. Unique use of ultramodern technologies;
3. Studying the new unique playing model.

How does the Tedchain platform work?

1. Subscription (Membership) Gaming Platform - access to Tedchain is possible after registration, developers are provided with an open API to collect payments in the crypto currency. The platform is a "closed club" of interests, within which users can communicate, share opinions, arrange joint passage of novelties.

2. MMO RPG Games Portal - a platform for free network game, more productive than centralized applications. Users pay only for purchases (inside the game world), access to the resource is free.

3. Facebook Games App - a tool for unified access to several gaming applications through accounts in social networks. Games App forms a community of players who together choose games, communicate, exchange opinions. The solution is integrated with various crypto-currency platforms, so that the payment process takes place quickly and safely.

4. Free to Play Games Website - a directory of games created for active communication of users. Access to games is free, but developers can charge for passing new levels, transfer bonuses for inviting friends to the community.

5. Games Deployment - a tool for promoting games within the platform itself, including flexible loyalty programs, opinion polls, contextual advertising, training materials, reviews of new products. The task of Deployment is to form a base of loyal users interested in new games.

6. Games Integration with Loyalty Programs - a specialized tool for encouraging players at the time of passing a new quest, level, gaining experience points. Promotion takes place among a loyal audience, so promotional activities are more effective, requiring less effort. Gamers are a diverse audience with different interests, so it is important to adapt the advertising campaign to everyone's needs.

7. Competitions Focused Website - Tedchain's site offers tools for organizing tournaments between players, publishes statistics, allows developers to choose methods of rewarding winners. This approach attracts new gamers, creates a positive reputation for developers.

8. Games App Store - a store for Android and iOS devices that offers paid, free games that run on the architecture of the block. The user just need to register a crypto-currency purse, download one of the games to receive tokens.

Technology of Tedchain

TEDCHAIN is a distributed ledger technology and offers a secure and scalable game and digital asset management. TEDCHAIN’s technology features the following:

- TED P2P Network: TEDCHAIN features a game-optimized blockchain on the peer-to-peer network. TED’s P2P mesh network gives it utmost control over the coin mining algorithm and smart contract features of its blockchain. The adoption of a P2P network was because TEDCHAIN identified the possibility of a network split. The P2P network also facilitates the gaming aspect of the TEDCHAIN ecosystem.

- Consensus Protocol: TEDlab developed a novel consensus protocol using the Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Authority protocols. It uses the PoS consensus system to reward long-term participants in the TEDCHAIN ecosystem. The issued rewards are calculated by the number of coins at the disposal of a user and the longevity of such coins.

- In-platform Utility Token: this technology allows game developers the license to tokenize their in-game assets such as inventory items and tournament awards. Gamers can also exchange tokenized in-game assets for tradable assets. For game publishers, this technology allow them sell their tokenized assets to gamers.

Token Details


For more information, please visit the links below :

Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bP2SPF4-s1PcPkJWzfc4cRNGfVQnOhMf/view
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4471369
Website: http://tedchain.network/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tedmorning.daybreak
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tedmorning
Github: https://github.com/tedchain
Telegram Group: https://t.me/tedmorning


Bitcointalk Username : nugroho997
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2070778;sa=summary
ETH Address : 0x58055FE8f531294DcF2F4dfeD90fDA26CCEabC38
